NPD Rx is a domestic violence education, post-separation abuse advocacy service provider and support group for adult and child survivors of dark-triad abuse.
Though our providers have completed the Oregon domestic violence advocacy training that connotes Victim-Advocate Privilege, NPD Rx Post-separation Abuse Advocates are mandatory reporters. NPD Rx Safety Planners and Housing Advocates may be mandatory reporters. Any person associated with NPD Rx who is a mandatory reporter will continue to verbally share their reporter-status with each client, prior to any conversation, and will have a written notice in the signature of all email, in addition to the usual legal disclaimer that we are not attorneys and do not provide legal advice. Further, we are not part of DHS or DOJ, though we meet/correspond as needed. We are supporting members of OCADSV and support the ACLU.
Though our providers have completed the Oregon domestic violence advocacy training that connotes Victim-Advocate Privilege, NPD Rx Post-separation Abuse Advocates are mandatory reporters. NPD Rx Safety Planners and Housing Advocates may be mandatory reporters. Any person associated with NPD Rx who is a mandatory reporter will continue to verbally share their reporter-status with each client, prior to any conversation, and will have a written notice in the signature of all email, in addition to the usual legal disclaimer that we are not attorneys and do not provide legal advice. Further, we are not part of DHS or DOJ, though we meet/correspond as needed. We are supporting members of OCADSV and support the ACLU.
Tax ID
EIN 83 - 0671556
(971) 323-0423
Mailing Address:
11575 SW Pacific HWY Ste 1032 Tigard, OR 97223
EIN 83 - 0671556
(971) 323-0423
Mailing Address:
11575 SW Pacific HWY Ste 1032 Tigard, OR 97223